Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Impression] Winter in October???!!!

My first snow teddy bear...and that in late October!

CLIMATE CHANGE is taking a toll on us.
This year's winter did not only start incredibly early but it is also said to be an extremely cold one...

Haven't heard of that yet? Living in a country where it's still nice and warm right now?
Well, I envy you for that then. Because Germany's been already covered in snow...

~ Mary ~

For all of you who aren't familiar with Germany's "normal" weather/season conditions:

Here in Germany we (usually) experience all four seasons during the cycle of one calendar year.

Spring: March - May
That's when everything starts to bloom and you feel how nature is waking up from its winter sleep.

Summer: June - August
Summer time is vacation time. Sunshine, outdoors activities, ice cream...

Autumn: September - November
In autumn the leaves on the trees turn yellow, orange, red and brown. You get to enjoy the last few warm sunrays of the year.

Winter: December - February
Now temperatures are steadily declining until everything seemingly freezes and snow starts to cast a white icy layer on the earth. At the same time people lighten up the world with a festive mood during Christmas celebrations.

This is how I would catergorize the months. And this is also pretty much what I experienced during my childhood. A children's book description of the seasons you would say nowadays.

Today thing's are different...
Due to climate change and global warming the earth's natural rhythm has been distorted. 
I'm not here to educate you guys on all the details about this serious phenomenom. It would take a whole scientific presentation and more to do so.
But if you've really never heard of anything related to climate change and global warming, then I highly suggest you to go and look it up!  

Anyways, fact is, that one consequence, which should be more than noticable to us by now, is the shift in seasons. Of course, there are way more disastrous effects of global warming that leave horrible traces all over the world. But now that even the "little" changes start to matter, people should really become aware of what is going on on our planet.

October - Four seasons within one month!

At the very beginning of October all the leaves were mostly green. The temperatures ranged from 7 to 15 degree Celcius. We also had a little rain from time to time. 
Spring-like weather.

By mid-October temperatures suddenly rose rapidly. We had days with over 25 degree Celcius!
You were just about to pack away all your summer clothes and then summer comes right back to you!
Late summer feeling.

Then the leaves started to become all colourful. But still the sun was present and caused temperatures that ranged from around 17 to 20 degree Celcius.
Well, that's a warm autumn.

Remember, I did post this picture just a week ago or so.
Check out my "autumn impression" article for more pictures.

And then out of nothing, literally over night the temperatures dropped from 17 to -3 degree Celcius!
How radical is that?! The day before I was running errands in a t-shirt and one day later I literally froze my butt off due to a lack of winter clothing. And it even started to snow! 
No one was really prepared for a hardcore winter in October!

And now, one week later, we have THIS type of landscape.
Same place, same month...and still such a vast contrast!

There we have it...1 month that includes all 4 seasons.
On the other hand you could say that we skipped autumn (except of the few days we had last week, now all the leaves have fallen off their branches already...) to go straight into a cruelly cold winter.

Whether we like this or not, fact is we need to prepare ourselves for a frosty, long winter.
So all I got to say at the end is:
Be aware of global warming! Know about it and its consequences! That's the least thing we, as individuals, should be doing.
And other than that, for now...


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