Sunday, October 7, 2012

[Impression] Epiphyllum

Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Yaaay last night I was trying to delete some unnecessary files on my pc and found these fascinating photographs of a very rare cactus plant I took last year! 

~ Hel ~

I don´t really know where and for how long my mother has already got this plant, but she told me that she had never seen it blooming before until last summer. Normally this flower only blooms at 12 midnight and is incredibly short-lived. Sadly our family's one and only Epiphyllum died off the next day, but it was beautiful while it lasted. Moreover the smell used to be very pleasant and the blossom is truly unique in its size.
Well, it was absolutely worth waiting until midnight!

Epiphyllum blooming at midnight
Epiphyllum from the side

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