Monday, October 1, 2012

[Food] Traditional British Breakfast?

As you all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day - same thing applies to British people!

~ Hel ~

Well, breakfast can just be anything like toast, cereals, pastries or fruits, right? Here in Germany we usually have bread, cereals or/and some fruits. In our home country Vietnam breakfast is on a whole different level. You basically have a whole lunch menu for breakfast. Something like a hot bole of noodle soup (called "pho") or specially prepared rice (called "soi") is common for a Vietnamese breakfast. Sometimes people just skip breakfast all the way.

So what do British people eat for the most important meal of the day?
In the UK a lot of people prefer the typical English breakfast before they leave for work in the early morning. Such an English-style breakfast meal consists of eggs, sausages, baked beans and toast. 
For us it was the first time trying this type of breakfast. It did sound weird to us at the beginning but it does actually taste good. Some people at our hotel must have really, really liked it because they literally piled up a ton of these eggs on their plates!

Breakfast gets you ready for the day, so don´t skip it!!!


  1. Wie mögt ihr denn persönlich eure Eier?

    Rührei, Spiegelei oder ganz sportlich als Drink?
    Oder eher gekocht mit Salz und Pfeffer?

    Fand eure London-Einträge voll supi. Wollte schon immer mal da hin! :)
    Wünsche mir mehr Reise-Einträge und Shopping-Tipps von euch!

    Liebe Grüsse! :)

    1. Mein Frühstücksei darf alles sein, bloß nicht roh! Obwohl ich ziemlich sportlich bin, würde ich niemals einen Ei-Drink genießen können! Naja, aber jedem dem seinen, richtig? ;)

      Supi, dass dir unsere Einträge gefallen. Das ist eine riesen Ermutigung als Blog-Starter! Wir versuchen weiterhin interessante Einträge zu bringen und hoffen, dass du uns weiterhin eine motivierende Leserin bleibst! :)
