Name: Mary
Age: 21
Nationality: German-born Vietnamese
Profession: Student (International Business Administration & Korea Studies),
Dance Coach (Hiphop, Modern)
Interests: Music, Art, Fashion 
Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Travelling, Drawing
Must-have items: Makeup: concealer & lipbalm, Clothing: tshirt dress & tights, Accessory: earrings

What is STYLE to you?
Ever since I was a little the clothes I wore affected my mood. Whenever my mum forced me to wear a dress I did not at all like, I would throw a big tantrum until she let me wear something I felt pretty and comfortable in. To me STYLE means being YOURSELF, reflecting YOUR VALUES and giving you CONFIDENCE. I say: Whatever you wear should not hide, conceal or disguise the person you really are. Get inspired and take STYLE as a means to ENHANCE your INNER BEAUTY!

Where do you get your INSPIRATION from?

For me it can be little meaningless things like a vintage picture frame I see on someone's desk, the engravings on the door of a house I just passed by or the colour of the clouds during sunset. Just a glimpse at things that caught my attention is enough for me to draw inspiration from - be it for a drawing (in fact, I love painting and sketching!) or for an outfit of the day! 

Is there anything you can't LIVE WITHOUT?

Unconciuously music has become a driving force in my life. When I was younger music just happened to be something that I enjoyed. It was not until a few years ago that I realized how important music actually is to me. 
Being able to make others feel good when they hear me sing, being able to express myself and show people various sides of me through dancing - these are abilities I'm proud of. 
Without music a piece of me would be missing which is why I doubt my life would be complete without music.

~ Mary ~

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