Hello world - just call me HEL!

Name: HEL
Age: 20
Nationality: German-born Vietnamese
Profession: Student (Business Administration with concentrations in Finance&Marketing)
Interests: Food, Fashion, Art, Lifestyle, Music, Photography
Hobbies: Cooking, Shopping, Drawing, Singing, Traveling
Must-have-items: Makeup (lipstick&lashes), Clothes (dress&tights), Accessories (handbag&watch)

What does FASHION mean to you?
"  You know we are all surrounded by fashion cause it´s not only clothes that we are wearing, but also the smallest thing in life that we can´t even define. Whether the sweet and calming smell of jasmine perfume or the color of your dress that you choose to wear. To me it is part of my daily life, because fashion helps me to express myself.
Overall fashion is an art to show the world who I am! "

Where do you get your INSPIRATION?

" Well, my inspirations are based on the experience that I have gathered in my life. To live is to inspire other people in everything we do, but also to get the inspiration from their action. Even the simplest thing like beautiful designs on facades, magnificent sceneries on photographs, art, music, fashion magazines or books can be source of it and arouse my attention. "

What can´t you LIVE WITHOUT?

" In the first place I would say it´s my family who gives me love, support and brighten up my life. The same feeling goes to my precious friends. But also wisdom, life experiences and dreams are important to me. My intention is to live life to the fullest, have fun, laugh a lot and face the world because I know my future is limitless. "
Not to forget my brother from another mother ♥

~ Hel ~ 

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