Tuesday, December 25, 2012

[Your Inner Designer] Christmas Themed Gown

Who says that you have to be a professional fashion designer in order to create fashion?
I say, as long as you are creative enough to bring your ideas to life, all you need is 
a little fabric and a mannequin!

Join me as I am dressing up my mannequin for Christmas ;)



Saturday, December 15, 2012

[Fashion Alert] Men Winter Fashion - Do's & Dont's

source: http://blog.stylert.com

This time you guys get to learn about my personal style preferences when it comes to men's winter fashion
I will be picking out some demonstrative pictures and explain to you the Do's and Dont's for a guy's outfit, especially during this current winter season 2012/2013.

Are you curious about my ideal style types? And guys, do you want to know what a girl likes to see on you? ;)
Then read on after the jump!

~ Mary ~ 

[Student Life] How To Cope With Stress!

Mary digging into some heavy books in the library

This article is going to be a very useful one for all you fellow students!
I will be sharing some tips and tricks that help you to deal with massive stress!

What are you waiting for - Let's get rid of all that stress right now!

~ Mary ~

Thursday, December 13, 2012

[Nail Art] Holiday themed Nail Looks

source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com

The Holiday Season has begun. And I personally loooooooooooooooove this time of the year!
In cold, dark, drab winters the holidays are what lights up our lives. That is why I enjoy to incorporate the holiday theme into everything I do 
- with nail art being no exception!
So today I will be showing you my 
favourite type of nail art for this season!

~ Mary ~

Saturday, December 8, 2012

[Food] Chocolate Fair in Tübingen

 Every year in december there is a regional event that draws many people into the city centre of Tübingen, my university town: CHOCOLART - The international chocolate festival in Tübingen

Do you loooooooove chocolate? 
Then join me as I am giving you an exclusive tour through this yummy chocolate fair 
right after the jump!

~ Mary ~ 

Friday, December 7, 2012

[Review] Shopping in Frankfurt am Main

If you have been to Germany, then you should definitely know Frankfurt am Main for its airport.
Today however, I'm going to bring you to Frankfurt's city centre - and Frankfurt's main shopping attraction!

~ Mary ~

[Fashion Alert] Lace-up Boots for Men

source: http://www.gq.com
For this autumn/winter season the trend shoes are: lace-up boots!
Among women this trend started to spread even before it was discovered -
Among men, however, this boot-trend is still 
slowly getting down from runway to walkway.

Shout-out to all my gentlemen out there: You haven't gotten your own pair of lace-up boots yet? You think that lace-up boots don't look good on men?

Let me try to convince you of the opposite - Read on after the jump!

~ Mary ~