Friday, March 1, 2013

[Travel Diary] Coming up soon: Hel & Mary explore AMSTERDAM!

Rijks Museum in Amsterdam

Recovering from all the university stress, leaving all the painstaking cramming behind we yet again
launch a tour to one of Europe's most beautiful capitals. 
In the past we've strolled through Berlin, Paris, London...
and now we'll be heading to the capital of the Netherlands: 

Look out for the following posts as we will be going on our Amsterdam trip exactly 2 weeks from now!

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part V - BLACK/WHITE VS. COLOURS

In Part V of my Spring Trends Series, I'd like to discuss with you an unexpected colour theme.
Normally we associate spring/summer with colours, right? Be it now light and soft or bold and saturated colours...

HOWEVER this time around we overthrow this image and make way for the classic combo BLACK/WHITE IN SPRING/SUMMER!

Read on to join the debate!

~ Mary ~

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part IV - SKULLS & CROSSES

Now THIS is a trend that I am totally falling for! 
This season skulls & crosses are gracing tops, dresses and accessories. And you don't have to be into dark gothic to dig this trend!

Read on for background and styling information!

~ Mary ~

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part III - BLACK & WHITE VERTICAL STRIPES

Black & white vertical striped pants - this year's HIT ITEM! So popular that they deserve an own article!

Read on to learn about this unique pants-phenomenom!

~ Mary ~

Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part II - COLOURS

As if the variety of prints this season was not already enough...this season's colour palette seems to be just as diverse! 
2013 is all about diversity and colourfulness!

Read on to see what colour trends are coming up this season!

~ Mary ~

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part I - PRINTS

Guys, I'm feeling soooo overwhelmed when looking at the variety of prints that will be dominating this spring's fashion! (This makes it even more difficult for me to get back into the flow of posting again...soooo many exciting topics and I don't even know where to start! XD)

I don't know if it's just me, but I get the impression that this season is overpacked with print trends!

Read on after the jump to see what this is all about!

~ Mary ~