Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Fashion Alert] Spring Trends 2013 Part II - COLOURS

As if the variety of prints this season was not already enough...this season's colour palette seems to be just as diverse! 
2013 is all about diversity and colourfulness!

Read on to see what colour trends are coming up this season!

~ Mary ~

Honestly, I'm really in awe seeing how much is going on in this season's fashion world.
I remember how last year's trends could be pretty much narrowed down to floral prints and pastel colours. 

NOT this year!

2013 is packed with fun, colourful themes. Last time I introduced you to the trend prints. This time we'll be diving into the world of trend colours:


Similar to the florals in the print sector, the pastels in the colour sector are more of a traditional, natural pick during the spring/summer season. Soft pastels represent the fresh and lively atmosphere during the warmer months of the year. Thus, this year again, pastels can't be taken out of the wardrobe. 
Lavender, rose and mint are the most common shades among the pastels.
Pastels are definitely for the more elegant, sophisticated ladies out there.


Now these are somehow a contradiction to our pastels. While we have the soft and calm shades in the pastel colour range, we now have the loud, bright neon shades. Two totally differnt colour families that coexist during this season! BAM!
Neons are for all the adventurous, edgy ones among you.
Back in the olden days, I thought that neons were only for the clubs and dance floors. Never thought that they'd become daytime-appropriate.
What is kind of interesting to see is that people come up with more toned-down, almost pastel versions of neons which are more tolerable and less in-your-face. 


Similar to the pastels, the neutrals are timeless. You just can't go without them. 
Blush, beige, tan and taupe were and are still the most seen shades. But we can't help it. With all the loud prints this season we need our neutrals in order to balance out our outfits!

Are you guys still favouring the pastels this year? Or are you feeling the new urge to experiment with bold neons?
I admit, I'm still a little sceptical about the whole neon thing...Maybe it's just me though :P

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