Thursday, January 10, 2013

[Travel Diary] Our next metropolis: PARIS!

If you remember we girls from Daily Sophistication went on a trip to Britain's capital London a few months ago. Now it was about time for us to aim for the next European metropolis: PARIS!

Have you guys been to Paris? How did you like the city of fashion and amour?

Read on to see what we got to experience on our trip to the French capital!


This time around we brought along a bunch of friends which made the trip much more fun! In a group of 7 youngsters we went on the hunt for beautiful sights in the nostalgic capital of France.

Paris has a lot to see but, as you guys might have already guessed, the No.1 tourist attraction is the Eiffel Tower.

In fact this time around (actually this is my 5th time in Paris) we focused on sightseeing rather than on shopping and the like. 

Why, you ask? 
As for one reason there were some among us who have not been to Paris yet. Which is why it was crucial to them to visit the main tourist attractions in Paris and make some memorable pictures of the scenes that can only be seen in postcards and tourist guides.
As for other reasons: Paris is knowingly the City Of Fashion and thus the home to many huge designer labels. Unless you are a super wealthy student, you should be understanding why we felt pretty reluctant to shop in Paris. '^-^

The following pictures will exactly explain what I mean:

PRADA, GUCCI, LOUIS VUITTON - just to name three of the largest brands - are obviously shops that don't fit into our budget. XP

Of course Paris also offers shops like H&M and ZARA. However we didn't feel the need to come all the way to France and walk into shops that also exist in Germany.

Other than grand clothing stores you can, of course, also find top brands of the cosmetics sector in Paris. For instance MAC. For more exclusive makeup selections you can stop by SEPHORA.

And obviously you can't forget Paris' gourmet food variety. Remember how we checked out the LA DURÉE shop in London's HARRODS. 
This time we were able to drop by one of the original LA DURÉE cafés in Paris. If you are into these sweet, little, colourful treats as well then you won't get around the temptation of these superbly yummy macarons!

If you get to visit Paris around Christmas/New Years you will get the chance to see the Parisisian Christmas market. Where again you will be offered a huge variety of delicious food. We went to get some churros.

But enough with the food talk! As I mentioned already, what really mattered to us where the tourist attractions. Here are some of the impressive monuments we got to see:








As you can see from the pictures the weather we had was not too great. Even though it didn't rain, we had a lot of fog and cloudy skies. The Eiffel Tower almost vanished under a thick cover of clouds. But even that was a fun and rare sight in the end.

Now you might wonder which capital we liked better so far: London or Paris?
- That's a question we will have to leave open. 
Since every country and city has its own charms both capitals were amazing in their own fields. 
While we were captured by the very dynamic, youthful atmosphere in London, we were mesmerized by the nostalgic and baroque vibe in Paris. However we were surprised that despite the city's calm ambience the Parisians were less put-together and polite than the citizens in London. I was literally run over by quite a few people on the streets of Paris. Another thing to notice was that the traffic in Paris was very chaotic. For instance we were told that pedestrians do not necessarily have priority while crossing the street via crosswalk which is why you need to be extra careful.
Anyways, that was what we experienced.

Well, you guys need to make your own impressions after all.
If you haven't been to Paris yet, then definitely go there at least once. 
"Paris - the city of fashion and romance"
Eventually what we can state is that this title does suit Paris ;)

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